EDBT/ICDT 2011 Workshops
The following workshops are all co-located with the EDBT/ICDT 2011 conferences at Uppsala University, Sweden. The workshops are all held on Friday, March 25, 2011.Joint EDBT/ICDT Ph.D. Workshop 2011
Organizers: Sascha Mueller-Feuerstein (Ansbach University of Applied Sciences) and Berhard Volz (University of Bayreuth)The joint EDBT/ICDT Ph.D. Workshop is intended to bring together Ph.D. students working on topics related to the EDBT and the ICDT conference series. The workshop will offer Ph.D. students the opportunity to present, discuss, and receive feedback on their research in a constructive and international atmosphere.
The workshop will be accompanied by prominent professors and researchers in the field of database technology and theory. These accompanying professors will participate actively and contribute to the discussions.
As for the EDBT/ICDT conferences series, all topics from the field of database technology and theory are of interest for the Ph.D. Workshop including the transfer of database technologies, algorithms and theories to new problem domains (e.g. life sciences, cloud computing, geo sciences, etc.).
Home page: Joint
Ph.D. Workshop 2011
1st international workshop on linked web data management (LWDM 2011)
Organizers: Roberto De Virgilio (University Rome Tre) and Devis Bianchini and Valeria De Antonellis (University of Brescia)Recently, research attention is being progressively shifting from data organization and representation to linkage and composition of the huge amount of data available on the Web. In this context, the Web has evolved from a global information space of linked documents to a global database, where resources are identified (by means of URIs), semantically described (by means of RDF) and connected through RDF links. Linked Data have been made a reality by the Semantic Web technology stack, by the evolution of Web 2.0 and Social Web solutions and by the availability of more and more linked data sources on the Web. The great availability of Linked Data raises data management issues, that must be faced in a dynamic, highly distributed and heterogeneous environment such as the Web. Linked Data can be published, maintained, queried and rapidly combined to build new, value-added applications that fit domain-specific goals.
The first International Workshop on Linked Web Data Management(LWDM) aims at stimulating participants to discuss about data management issues related to the Linked Data and the relationships with other Semantic Web technologies, proposing new models, languages and applications that exploit the Web as a huge, interlinked, dynamic repository of linked resources.
Home page:
international workshop on linked web data management (LWDM 2011)
4th International Workshop on Logic in Databases (LID 2011)
Organizers: George Fletcher (TU Eindhoven) and Slawomir Staworko (University of Lille 3 and INRIA)The Logic in Databases workshop, LID 2011, is a forum for bringing together researchers and practitioners in academia and industry from around the world who are focusing on all logical aspects of data management. Ever since Codd’s Relational Model, logic has played a major role in the field of databases. The significance and impact of this role have grown stronger over the years as data management research has continued to face the challenges of new data models, with logic keeping up and providing the foundations every step of the way. Some of the latest additions to this long list of models are XML, Semantic Web, Probabilistic Relational models, integrated model of DB+IR, data integration models, and models of unclean data to name a few. Logic is a fundamental tool for understanding and analyzing several aspects of these data models, and the significance of logic’s role for data management will remain as data models continue to emerge and evolve.
Home page: 4th
Workshop on Logic in Databases (LID 2011)
2nd International Workshop on Business intelligencE and the WEB (BEWEB 2011)
Organizers: Jose-Norberto Mazon and Irene Garrigos (University of Alicante), Florian Daniel (University of Trento) and Malu Castellanos (HP Labs, Palo Alto)
Over the last decade we have been witnessing an increasing use of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions, which allow business people to query, understand, and analyze their business data in order to make better decisions. Traditionally, BI applications allowed business people to acquire useful knowledge from the data of their organization by means of a variety of technologies, such as data warehousing, data mining, business performance management, OLAP, periodical business reports, and the like.
The Internationl Workshop on Business IntelligencE and the WEB (BEWEB 2010) intends to be a forum for exchanging ideas on how to leverage the huge amount of data that is available on the Web in BI applications, on how to apply Web engineering methods and techniques to the design of BI applications, and on how to use BI knowledge in the design of Web applications. Papers focused on new domains and new experiences with the connection between BI and the Web are also highly encouraged. The workshop will be a forum for researchers, designers, and users who are related to the combination of these main topics.
Home page: 2nd
International Workshop on Business IntelligencE and the WEB (BEWEB
4th International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS 2011)
Organizers: Traian Marius Truta (Northern Kentucky University), Li Xiong (Emory University) and Farshad Fotouhi (Wayne State University)Organizations collect vast amounts of information on individuals, and at the same time they have access to ever-increasing levels of computational power. Although this conjunction of information and power provides great benefits to society, it also threatens individual privacy. As a result legislators for many countries try to regulate the use and the disclosure of confidential information. Various privacy regulations (such as USA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Canadian Standard Association's Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information, Australian Privacy Amendment Act, etc.) have been enacted in many countries all over the world and, following that, data privacy and protecting individuals' anonymity have become a mainstream avenue for research. The Privacy and Anonymity in Information Society (PAIS'11) Workshop will provide an open yet focused platform for researchers and practitioners from computer science and other fields that are interacting with computer science in the privacy area such as statistics, healthcare informatics, and law to discuss and present current research challenges and advances in data privacy and anonymity research.
Home page: 4th
Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity in the Information Society (PAIS
1st Workshop on New Trends in Similarity Search (NTSS 2011)
Organizers: Deepak P (IBM Research India) and Prasad M Deshpande (IBM Research India)Similarity Search has been an active research area over the many years since early interest on similarity search over objects with numeric attributes. With the advent of various Web 2.0 services, similarity search on complex objects with heterogeneous attributes is becoming commonplace. Examples include searching for similar people on social networks and similar products on e-commerce websites. Enterprise databases also often have very complex object representations such as those for servers and technical resources. The heterogeneity of attribute types, complexity of objects and scale of data all present significantly new challenges in choosing similarity measures and aggregation functions, designing indexing structures and searching through indexes at query time.
The workshop on New Trends in Similarity Search seeks to attract interest in such new challenges apart from advancing the state-of-the-art in traditional similarity search over objects with numeric attributes.
Home page: 1st
Workshop on New Trends in Similarity Search (NTSS 2011)
Array Databases
Organizer: Peter Baumann (Jacobs University)From the fundamental collection paradigms known in conceptual modeling - sets, bags, lists, and arrays - it is the array concept which has long been neglected by the database community. However, as sensors are becoming ubiquitous and inexpensive, and as further simulations become large, multi-dimensional arrays are attributed a large share of today's archive spaces. Geoscientific examples include 1-D sensor time series, 2-D satellite imagery, 3-D x/y/t image time series and x/y/z geology data, and 4-D x/y/z/t climate and ocean simulation data. A similar wealth of array data can be found in space, life, and other sciences. Sparse arrays appear in OLAP. In summary, arrays (by practitioners often referred to as raster data) comprise the natural representation of n-dimensional sensor, array, and statistics data. Typically these data come in massive volumes, with Petabyte - in future Exabyte - sizes for single arrays.
Unleashing this huge data reservoir for online analytics by scientists, industry, government, and citizens represents a major information services challenge. As traditional databases do not support large arays, in today's practice ad-hoc implementations prevail, often done by service providers themselves and centered around some particular data formats. Databases are hardly involved for array management. Many researchers believe, however, that database technology can offer its traditional benefits, such as information integration, flexibility of query language, scalability, and dynamic optimization, on arrays as well.
Home page: Workshop on Array Databases